Samsung: Phone Configurator
{Crafting your perfect phone}
Team: Carolyn Nguyen (Lead Product Designer, Usman Fahimullah (Product Designer)
The Challenge
Due to a drop in conversion rates from configuration of phones to checkout and the release of the Galaxy S10, Samsung sought to improve the experience heavily focusing on improving the ease of use and interaction of Samsung’s Phone Configurator
The Approach
We introduced a more human tone that would help users through each step of the configurator. This was accomplished using a balanced layout: utilizing white space and a simplified visual language.
My role:
I was involved with the overall UX strategy along with helping develop the visual design. The team was very collaborative; we worked on multiple sections of the site together.
The User Experience
Giving the user a clear journey from start to finish.
Bringing everything in-line
Part of re-doing the configurator involved integrating the process of trading in the customer’s old phone. The goal was to keep everything in-line without adding an extra layer such as a modal.
A breath of fresh air
Giving the configurator a little more breathing room, making it easier to process.
Key Takeaway
After launch, we noticed 10% more customers finishing the end-to-end journey from using the configurator to activation.
Though the change in design isn’t drastic, the quality of life improvements such as giving users more breathing room make for a better experience.